Friday 10 June 2011


Delum Sri Lanka
Pomegranate (Delum / Maadhulam)

The pomegranate Punica granatum L. belongs to the family Punicaceae. It is cultivated in home gardens in Sri Lanka specially as a medicinal plant and as a fruit tree. There is no other fruit crop that has high medicinal value compared to that in pomegranate.

Health Benefits
The pomegranate fruit is rich in beneficial antioxidants, like polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanins. The antioxidant level in pomegranate juice is higher than in other fruit juices, red wine or green tea
Recent research has shown that pomegranates can help fight osteoarthritis, as regular consumption of the juice slows down the deterioration of the cartilage
Pomegranate juice is also believed to increase blood flow to the heart, and is extremely beneficial for people with ischemic heart disease
It is also a good source of vitamins C and B, antioxidant polyphenols, pantothenic acid and potassium
The juice of the fruit is an effective remedy to reduce heart disease risk factor, including LDL Oxidation, macrophage oxidative status, and foam cell formation
Juice of the pomegranate has been found effective in reducing heart disease risk factors, including LDL oxidation, macrophage oxidative status, and foam cell formation, all of which are steps in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease
The juice of the fruit also has antiviral and antibacterial effects against dental plaque
Consumption of pomegranate juice has proven to help immensely in cases of prostate cancer or prostatic hyperplasia, diabetes or lymphoma
Pomegranate juice has also shown to reduce systolic blood pressure by inhibiting serum angiotensin-converting enzyme

Nutritive Values (per 100g edible portion)
Energy 63-78 k cal

Major Growing Areas in Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka most suitable districts for cultivation are Hambantota, Puttalum, Manar, Anuradapura, Jaffna, Monaragala.

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